Our Instructors - When Quality Counts

Peter Mylonas, Kancho
Chairman & Chief Instructor
Australia's leading Kempo Instructor
8th Dan - Kancho
Chairman & Chief Instructor Kempo Genbu Ryu International Karate Organisation (KRIKO)
President / Founder World Martial Arts Championships (WMAC) this includes AMAC, NZMAC, JMAC & USMAC etc
Graded 2023, 8th Dan, Kancho by a panel of Japan and international Karate Kancho(s), Hanshi and Shihan(s)
International Instructor of the Year 2004 Kumite World Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame
Kempo Instructor of the Year 1998 Blitz Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame
Martial Artist of the Year - Pronmter 2022 - Martial Arts Australia and Australian Marial ARts Magazine
International Full Contact Karate Referee* (Japan) * Kyokushin IKO-Matsushima
Australia's No. 1 - Referee/Judge (Full Contact & Non Contact)
International Karate Referee/Judge (Full Contact & Non Contact)
1997 & 1998 Judge/Referee of the Year (NAS)
Australian Karate Champion (Full Contact)
Okinawa Karate Teaching License
Founder of Sydney Junior Games & the Australian Martial Arts Championships -AMAC
Kempo Karate training since 1978
Australian Karate Coach - Kempo World Titles, Sweden
Australian Team Kempo Ryu Coach - World Titles WASO Australia
MBA graduate UWS
Kancho Mylonas is one Australia’s most respected Karate teachers with experience in tournaments, a former Australian champion in full contact Kumite (sparring), Kata & Self Defence . He regularly travels for Seminars introducing Kempo Ryu to different disciplines within the Martial Arts community.
Kancho Mylonas also travels across different parts of the world conducting seminars on Kempo Ryu, he is one of the most sought after instructors, he is 'invited' to attend; he does not have his own organisation conducting these invitations. This is a show of respect that he has earned over his time in teaching, competing and practicing his Kempo Ryu art.
Having trained in Japan, Europe and naturally his homeland of Australia, Kancho Mylonas now conducts teaching seminars in Europe, Asia and Australia.
Kancho Mylonas is one of the rare instructors that is invited to various Black Belt gradings in Australia. He and his team of Black Belts are asked by various different organisations to participate in these gradings. Known as some of the best full contact fighters Kancho Mylonas and his team of Black Belts attend these sessions as ambassadors of good, strong and traditional Budo Karate-ka.
With no doubt at all - he is Australia's number one (1) referee and judge of any Martial Art event in Australia, again he is sought after in this field. Known for his unbiased, quick and accurate decisions, he is known to be the ‘best of the best’. His control of all matches and the respect he receives from competitors gives everyone the comfort of knowing he is in control of the competition arena, focused on fairness and safety. He was the National Technical Director and Chairman of the Australia Referee Board, which made him the number one referee in Australia. He resigned from this position in 2005 to concentrate on the Kempo Ryu organisation and his teaching commitments overseas and Australia.
Kancho Mylonas founded the Australian Martial Arts Championships (AMAC) in 1998 which now AMAC operates as a National Martial Arts tournament circuit for all styles. He is the President and this organisation and also the President of the World Body - the World Martial Arts Championships (WMAC).
He is the founder of Australia’s fastest growing tournaments; the Sydney Junior Games and the original Australian Martial Arts Championships (under the Kempo Ryu banner), with these two events Kancho Mylonas added a new dimension to the tournament scene in Australia. These tournaments have been held at the Sydney Sports Centre, the venue for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
Kancho Mylonas was the Coach of Team Australia at the World Titles in Sweden in 2005, with all team members achieving Gold, Silver or Bronze medals making the Australian Team the most successful team (per capita).
He was invited to participate as a Judge/Referee at the Kyokushin World Cup 2006 in Sydney Australia - the first non Kyokushin person ever to do so. This is an example of the skill and respect Kancho Mylonas receives as a result of his training and naturally of the students he produces. Further, at this World Cup he received an International Judge referee certificate from the head of the IKO-Matsushima Kancho Matsushina and Vice President Hanshi John Taylor. The only non Kyokushin Karate– ka to be invited to referee and receive this certification within the history of Kyokushin Karate.
Finally, Kancho enjoys the company & respect of some the best Martial Arts instructors in Australia and around the world; placing him in an elite group of achievers where rank does not speak rather the work of past efforts, the vision of the future and the respect that both brings to a Karate-Ka that devotes their life to the Way of Budo.

Luke Trotz, Shihan - 5th DAN
Branch Chief & Senior Instructor
Western Sydney Region - Sydney
Australia's Leading Open Weight Full Contact Fighter
All Japan Shidokan 2010
2nd Place - Full Contact & Grappling
Men’s Middleweight Open
World Champion* 2006
Men's Middleweight Black Belt Champion
2nd Placed Black Belt Kata
* World All Styles Organisation
World Cup Full Contact Karate*
Placed Top 10 Middleweight - 2006
* Kyokushin World Cup IKO Matsushima
Australian* Full Contact Karate Champion 2007 - 2009
* Kempo Ryu & AKKA Kyokushin
A direct student under Kancho Mylonas, is ranked 5th Dan; he teaches at Hombu Dojo and has travelled with Kancho Mylonas spreading Kempo Genbu Ryu in Sri Lanka & Thailand - in recent years travelling & competing in Japan.
Shihan Trotz is the Accreditation Officer for AMAC and WMAC, holding the position of National and International Accreditation Officer (in charge of the accreditation process of the international organisation organization).
He holds the World Title (WASO) & (KI) and the Australian Title (Kempo Ryu & NAS) for Kata. Self Defence and Kumite. He is a Full Contact Karate competitor and regularly competes in Full Contact Ring Karate (Kyokushin) events. He has an impeccable record in the full contact karate arena and is known as one of the best full contact fighters in Australia and a raising profile in Japan.
He was selected to participate in the 2006 World Kyokushin Cup in Sydney Australia to represent Australia, the only non Kyokushin Karate-ka in history to be selected for a World tournament in Kyokushin (apart from Kempo Ryu's Sempai Margaret Le).
Shihan Trotz is a qualified teacher of Sports Science (holds a Bachelor of Education degree) teaching Higher School students in Sydney and is maintaining his Kempo Ryu instruction too - 6 days a week.
A direct student under Kancho Mylonas, Shihan Le is ranked 5th Dan; teaches at Earlwood & Burwood Dojo in Sydney and is the Operations Director for AMAC and WMAC.

Margaret Le, Shihan - 5th DAN
Branch Chief & Senior Instructor
Inner West Region - Sydney
Australia's Leading Female Full Contact Fighter
Current World Champion* 2006
Female Lightweight Black Belt Champion
2nd Placed Black Belt Kata
* World All Styles Organisation
World Full Contact Karate*
2nd Place Lightweight - 2006
* Kyokushin World Cup
Japan Shidokan 2011
Female Lightweight - 2nd Place
Ise Beat Down tournament
Australian Full Contact Karate*
Lightweight Champion - 2006 - 2011
* Kempo Ryu International Karate Organisation
* Australian Kyokushin Karate Association
* Australian Martial Arts Championships
She is the current World Champion in Kumite (WASO), a two times Australian Full Contact Champion (AKKA - Kyokushin). She is known as one of Australia's best female full contact fighters. Sensei Le also holds the Australian Title Full Contact Female Lightweight from 2006 - 2011 in various female events - feat few females have ever achieved.
She was been selected to participate in the 2006 World Kyokushin Cup in Sydney Australia to represent Australia, the only non Kyokushin Karate-ka in history to be selected for a World tournament in Kyokushin (apart from Kempo Ryu's Sensei Luke Trotz).
Shihan Le is one of the few female black belts in Australia that has such a great tournament record in Full Contact, at the same time teaches Kempo Ryu. She is a World Champion (WASO & KI) and Australian Champion (Kempo Genbu Ryu, AMAC, NAS) in Kata, Self Defence and Kumite.
A strong teacher of Kempo Ryu, she is credited in bringing out the best of students and maintaining a great Dojo ethic - which is very important to strong Karate training. Sensei Le also attends Hombu Dojo twice a week for instruction and teaching commitments.
She is a graduate of university attaining her Bachelor of Commerce and works in Operations Management in Sydney.